High value professional service – crossing the bridge to the future of staffing

Neil Carberry

Neil Carberry was appointed as Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation in June 2018. In 1999, Neil began his career in recruitment working for executive search firm Fraser Watson before doing a post-graduate degree in Human Resources at the London School of Economics and joining the CBI in 2004. He led the CBI’s work on the labour market, skills, energy and infrastructure. He is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a Fellow of the RSA. He is a member of the council of the conciliation service ACAS and a former member of the Low Pay Commission, which recommends UK minimum wages. A six-time nominee to the SIA staffing100 in Europe, he is also on the board of the World Employment Confederation, training business Total People and a primary academy trust in Oxfordshire. Neil is an RFU qualified rugby referee and coach and is one of the 8000 co-owners who made Heart of Midlothian the UK’s biggest fan-owned football club.
paper plane


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